Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Captain Underpants

The name of the book is Captain Underpants, by

Dave Pikey. This book is a comedy adventure book. I like this book because it’s funny, it’s an adventure and it’s easy to read. I recommend this book to people who like a good Comedy-


This book is about these two boys in fourth grade, George and Harold, and they are huge pranksters. They do all kinds of pranks all the time. One day they had done a HUGE prank, and it was horrible for the boys; The BIG MEAN PRINCIPLE caught them on tape. Now if the PRINCIPLE shows the people who George and Harold had pranked they will be punished. So instead

they took a deal the principle offered them, doing all the principles chores. After a couple of days Harold and George had had

enough so they got a hypnotic ring and it hypnotized the principle and changed him into ……..CAPTIN UNDERPANTS!! It all

went down hill from there. The principle thought he was the real captain underpants, so jumped out the window and ran away to fight crime.

Will George, Harold and Captain Underpants defeat crime or get the worst of their dreams?

Read Captain Underpants to find out! (There are 11 books) Read the series now!!!


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